Today’s Word
‘Our Father in Heaven, hallowed be Thy Name . . . . ’Matthew 6:9
Today’s Reflection: How do I do “hallowed be Thy Name” when it’s too hard to do?
Like a cell phone God has placed a “chip” inside us that is always seeking a connection. The great commandment of Jesus is to love God and love people. That’s connection. Adam and Eve were one, “naked and unashamed” (Genesis 2:25). The fig leaf was off which meant they knew each other and were known by each other from their hearts and did not have any fears.
However, it is exactly that, connection with God and others that was broken in Eden and we started to hide and we started to cover up. . Ever since every human being has sought connection, but in disconnected ways. The brilliant Christian psychologist, Rollo May, commented that modern mankind has taken the fig leaf and moved it from the genitals to the face. Where we’re very open with our bodies now and we think that that’s going to give us intimacy, what we hide is the windows to our souls. And that is the story of everyone because all of us went through that fall.
What is it that will lead me from false, sinful connections to godly ones?
God’s most powerful tool is biblical community . . . healthy, open, consistent connections with God and other believers, especially a small number of them whom you can trust and be real with. Without that your “connection chip” will always seek out connections which are weak and break. Avoid . . . .
Isolation: It leads to quick fixes which intensify loneliness

Connections based on neediness which leads to being used

Connections based on your being good enough. You'll never measure up.

Seek. . . the 5 bar connection: God and other Christians. Check in with God and other Christians regularly. Be honest. Talk about your struggles. You can't overcome them alone. Take the time and trouble and rish being honest. Ask these other believers for God's help in "hallowing His Name."

"Lord, at this very moment I am connecting to you. Help me to do this more often and lead me to other believers with whom I can talk about real life, real struggles in a real way and be genuinely heard. In Christ's Name" Amen.
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