Reading for March 7-11
Acts 20
Encouraging is Inconvenient
“Paul decided to go to (and then) Rome.” . . . . . . “After the riot in Ephesus, Paul sent for the disciples, encouraged them, said goodbye, and left for Macedonia. He went through that region and spoke many words of encouragement to the people. Then he went to Greece and stayed there for three months” Acts 19:21, 20:1-3
Pastor’s Reflection
In 19:21 we read that Paul wanted to get back to Jerusalem and then on to Rome. Yet in 20:1-3 we read that he travelled in exactly the opposite direction. Why?
Luke tells us that at least part of the the reason was that Paul wanted to encourage the new believers in Macedonia and Greece. That’s inconvenient! It cost him time, effort, and postponement of his trips to Jerusalem and Rome.
This morning I was driving to church with a lot on my mind and to do. I pulled out of my development, turned right, but out of the corner of my eye I saw a woman trying to lower a spare tire from under her SUV. I could see she was in trouble. I did not want to help her. It was cold, I was busy, I didn’t have time and I just plain didn’t feel like it. It was worse than inconvenient, it messed up my plans. After turning around and getting out I was of minimal help because it took me so long to find the jack and winch. A policeman came and took it from there.
I was an unwilling helper whose space was invaded and who became a temporary encourager only reluctantly. I didn’t stop because my heart went out to her (well maybe a little) or because I knew she needed the encouragement of someone coming along side her. I was and am no Paul.
As you read the rest of this chapter I suspect you will find that Paul didn’t view the ministry of encouragement as an inconvenience, rather a privilege. May God give to me and to you a little bit of that heart that is willing to go our of our way to encourage another. Write a note, make a call, stop to compliment someone, all inconveniences, all crucial in another’s life.
Thanks, Pastor Jeff, for sharing your detailed story about not really wanting to help someone. I could really relate to that, especially the part about being of "minimal help" to the person after you arrived-and not sure which would have been worse; not helping in the first place, or not being of much help!